ALBAPAZ AG is a globally operating Family Office that caters to select multi-generational families. The firm operates at the intersection of wealth, business interests and family legacy. ALBAPAZ was founded in a world of ever increasing complexity and strives to amplify the signal in a sea of noise.
ALBA | PAZ : A canvas for your dreams and goals. Our promise…
ALBAPAZ AG not only helps you define your strategy, but also fully support execution.

Our Clients
Our clients are entrepreneurial families that control great wealth, both liquid and illiquid. They are used to operate globally and take a multi-jurisdictional view.
Our clients focus on long term wealth protection and growth to ensure the well-being of their family. Very often, they own operating businesses, real estate and alternative investments.

Our Team
ALBAPAZ is deeply committed to its clients, the delivery of unparalleled service and transparency. ALBAPAZ places the utmost importance on confidentiality, intellectual honesty and the protection of the clients interests.
Its owners have assembled a team of professionals with diverse personal backgrounds in Family Business Management (privately held and publicly traded), Governance, Entrepreneurship, Wealth Management and Investment Banking.

Our Network
ALBAPAZ leverages a global network of specialists and has deep knowledge of platforms, products and services in Switzerland and beyond.
Every potential business relationship starts with an in-depth analysis of the clients situation, needs and wishes. ALBAPAZ will then analyse the information, benchmark it against global best practices and highlight areas of opportunity.

Our Firm
ALBAPAZ looks beyond traditional investment portfolios and balances the family, the ownership and the business dimension. Oftentimes the assessment provided by ALBAPAZ is the first Total Wealth view our clients receive and it unlocks discussions about opportunities broader than imagined.
ALBAPAZ has offices in Zug, Switzerland and Mexico City, Mexico.
Proposed services and solutions follow a set of guiding principles, but are never “one size fits all”. While ALBAPAZ does serve multiple families, its partners always aspire to deliver a ‘Single Family Office’ experience and tailored solutions.
Thanks to the ALBAPAZ Wealth Platform, all client information is stored with the highest level of protection and allows for a new vantage point of analysis.

Global View
Do I have a good overview of my family’s financial and non-financial assets?
Am I strategically well positioned to benefit from global trends?
Is my investment portfolio, my business portfolio and are my family’s intellectual resources ready for what is to come?
ALBAPAZ provides you with the tools and resources to ensure full transparency on family, business and ownership level.

Future Proof
Do I have gaps in my family, business and ownership strategy?
Am I fully prepared to close such gaps with my current resources?
What is the most efficient combination of resources to implement a future proof setup?
ALBAPAZ partners with you to fill any gaps, depending on overall vision. Nothing is too basic or too complex to address, but maximizing impact is the overriding principle.

Governance and Ventures
Is my corporate and family governance setup value generating and risk mitigating?
Are the different generations aligned around family and business strategy?
Will the family retain and grow its wealth position?
ALBAPAZ helps you to carry your legacy into the future and to leave a positive impact in the world.
Select Services
- Total Wealth Consolidation and Data Vault
- Performance Monitoring and Benchmarking
- Global Diversification and Advanced Instrument Implementation
Select Services
- Global Risk Assessment
- Long Term Family, Business and Ownership Strategy
- Generational Transition Management
Select Services
- Family and Corporate Governance
- Business Portfolio Optimization
- Family Business Management – privately held and publicly traded
Proposed services and solutions follow a set of guiding principles, but are never “one size fits all”. While ALBAPAZ does serve multiple families, its partners always aspire to deliver a ‘Single Family Office’ experience and tailored solutions.
Thanks to the ALBAPAZ Wealth Platform, all client information is stored with the highest level of protection and allows for a new vantage point of analysis.

Global View
Do I have a good overview of my family’s financial and non-financial assets?
Am I strategically well positioned to benefit from global trends?
Is my investment portfolio, my business portfolio and are my family’s intellectual resources ready for what is to come?
ALBAPAZ provides you with the tools and resources to ensure full transparency on family, business and ownership level.
Select Services
- Total Wealth Consolidation and Data Vault
- Performance Monitoring and Benchmarking
- Global Diversification and Advanced Instrument Implementation

Future Proof
Do I have gaps in my family, business and ownership strategy?
Am I fully prepared to close such gaps with my current resources?
What is the most efficient combination of resources to implement a future proof setup?
ALBAPAZ partners with you to fill any gaps, depending on overall vision. Nothing is too basic or too complex to address, but maximizing impact is the overriding principle.
Select Services
- Global Risk Assessment
- Long Term Family, Business and Ownership Strategy
- Generational Transition Management

Governance and Ventures
Is my corporate and family governance setup value generating and risk mitigating?
Are the different generations aligned around family and business strategy?
Will the family retain and grow its wealth position?
ALBAPAZ helps you to carry your legacy into the future and to leave a positive impact in the world.
Select Services
- Family and Corporate Governance
- Business Portfolio Optimization
- Family Employment Charter and Venture Framework
Alba is the Latin word for “white”.
We recognise that while best practices exist, every family is different in its setup and its needs. Therefore, ALBAPAZ does not offer predefined solutions, but rather starts with a white canvas and co-defines the right set of tools to address the families core needs.
Paz is the Latin word for “peace”.
Offering “peace of mind” to our clients, by meticulously assessing risks, trends and disruptors is the greatest ambition we can think of. Freeing up time, taking a doubt or a burden off our clients mind will significantly increase quality of life and leave you with more room for your dreams and goals.