ALBAPAZ provides simplicity and control for complex wealth.

Thanks to the ALBAPAZ Wealth Platform, all client information is stored with the highest level of protection and allows for a new vantage point of analysis across Total Wealth. Total Wealth extends across the Family, Business and Ownership dimensions.

Wealth Management is defined in its broadest form and ALBAPAZ ensures that the big questions in life get the attention they deserve.

Investment Management is outsourced, but accounts and investments are consolidated, benchmarked and supervised against a strict Strategic Asset Allocation. The Total Wealth View however allows ALBAPAZ a broader and deeper understanding of the clients wishes.

At ALBAPAZ we use an intelligent platform, that provides simplicity and control for complex wealth by connecting wealth, people and process to take informed decisions and explore opportunities. Information security is a key element for ALBAPAZ and we are committed to ensure that your data has the highest level of protection. To this end, our platform is produced, hosted and resides only in Switzerland.

A digital home for your wealth

The ALBAPAZ Wealth Platform empowers wealthy individuals and their families to consolidate and interact intuitively with their total wealth. Our solution goes beyond data aggreagation and reporting. It is a secure digital home for your total wealth, carefully designed to make daily use intuitive and help you understand and manage the most important and complex aspects of your wealth.

Understand your wealth intuitively

The ALBAPAZ Wealth Platform is the first wealth management technology designed and built for you as a wealth owner. A new design approach brings you simplicity by avoiding complex industry standards leading to better control and decision making.

Create a legacy

Working with multiple banks and multiple asset categories creates complexity. The ALBAPAZ Wealth Platform can connect your most important wealth information, documents and related contacts, with your assets and log changes over their lifetime. You can gradually introduce and involve your family members to your Wealth Platform to prepare a smooth transition.

Have your own secure communication platform

Involve your network of family members and trusted partners. Stakeholder access provisioning and management (individualized access rights – e.g. partial or read-only) allows you to create a closed user ecosystem to securely share messages and documents within your network avoiding less secure channels like emails.